ATMEGA324PV-10AUR , AVR AVR® ATmega Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 10MHz 32KB (16K x 16) FLASH 44-TQFP (10x10). we specialize in Atmel ATMEGA324PV-10AUR electronic components. ATMEGA324PV-10AUR can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
C8051F520A-IMR , 8051 C8051F52x Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 25MHz 8KB (8K x 8) FLASH 10-DFN (3x3). we specialize in Silicon Labs C8051F520A-IMR electronic components. C8051F520A-IMR can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
ATTINY13A-SFR , AVR AVR® ATtiny Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 20MHz 1KB (512 x 16) FLASH 8-SOIC. we specialize in Atmel ATTINY13A-SFR electronic components. ATTINY13A-SFR can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
SPC56AP54L3BEFBR , e200z0h SPC56 Microcontroller IC 32-Bit 64MHz 768KB (768K x 8) FLASH 100-LQFP (14x14). we specialize in STMicroelectronics SPC56AP54L3BEFBR electronic components. SPC56AP54L3BEFBR can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
PIC16F1768-I/SS , PIC PIC® XLP™ 16F Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 32MHz 7KB (4K x 14) FLASH 20-SSOP. we specialize in Microchip Technology PIC16F1768-I/SS electronic components. PIC16F1768-I/SS can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
DS87C530-QCL+ , 8051 87C Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 33MHz 16KB (16K x 8) OTP 52-PLCC (19.13x19.13). we specialize in Maxim Integrated DS87C530-QCL+ electronic components. DS87C530-QCL+ can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
PIC18LC452-I/P , PIC PIC® 18C Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 40MHz 32KB (16K x 16) OTP 40-PDIP. we specialize in Microchip Technology PIC18LC452-I/P electronic components. PIC18LC452-I/P can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
MSP430F6731IPNR , CPUXV2 MSP430F6xx Microcontroller IC 16-Bit 25MHz 32KB (32K x 8) FLASH 80-LQFP (12x12). we specialize in Hotenda MSP430F6731IPNR electronic components. MSP430F6731IPNR can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
XUF216-256-TQ128-I20 , XCore XUF Microcontroller IC 32-Bit 16-Core 2000MIPS 2MB (2M x 8) FLASH 128-TQFP (14x14). we specialize in XMOS XUF216-256-TQ128-I20 electronic components. XUF216-256-TQ128-I20 can be shipped within 24 hours after order.
LM3S9U92-IBZ80-A2T , ARM® Cortex®-M3 Stellaris® ARM® Cortex®-M3S 9000 Microcontroller IC 32-Bit 80MHz 384KB (384K x 8) FLASH 108-BGA (10x10). we specialize in Hotenda LM3S9U92-IBZ80-A2T electronic components. LM3S9U92-IBZ80-A2T can be shipped within 24 hours after order.